Friday, January 30, 2009

Embrace NYC Payment Due Soon

Just wanted to remind you all that a payment of $165 is due on February 8th.  Please place your marked payment in the "mailbox" by the Student Center.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Free Snowcones

I love the guys who actually take some and eat it! I wonder if The Church understand the mission that we have or if we are just handing out free snow cones. Some of us have experienced the hope and peace and grace that God gives and I hope we understand the importance of the message we have. It's not about getting people to punch their ticket to Heaven but to experience God's Kingdom in their life now.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Won't You Be My Neighbor

We are in our third week of our current series on Sundays called, "Won't You Be My Neighbor." Pastor Scott is looking at the book of Ephesians to help us understand what it means to be a good neighbor. Service starts at 10:45

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Winter and Spring Calendar

* You can click on the image above to make it larger

Goin' All The Way

On February 11th we will be starting a series called “goin’ all the way” . We will spend three weeks looking at the issue of sex, dating and relationships. We will look at what is causing the problem, what god’s plan is and what his promise to us is when it comes to sex and relationships. Young people are talking about it, hearing about it and possibly experiencing some of it! We will be honest about the situation and look at the truth behind sex and what God’s good and perfect plan is. Parents, please feel free to email me or call me with any concerns or questions you may have. We will be videoing the messages each night, so if you would like a copy you can request one for only $1. Don't miss this series starting February 11th!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sad to share with you

On tuesday we went in for another ultra sound, hoping that the baby's heart beat would be stronger than it was on sunday, unfortunately there was no heartbeat. We went in this morning for a D&C, which simply means they went in and cleaned out the fetal tissue. Heather is doing ok, a little drowsy from the anesthesia but in no pain. We are both sad and disappointed. We have cried many tears and prayed many prayers. We are trying to find our strength in "THE ONE WHO LOVED OUR BABY MORE THAN WE DID" and in the love we feel from the people around us. Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers and caring words.

Here is a scripture someone sent me on monday, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27

Monday, January 19, 2009

Holding onto Hope

Right now my wife is 11 weeks pregnant and on Sunday, Heather started spotting a little bit. She called the doctor and they wanted her to get to the ER as soon as possible. They performed an ultrasound and found that the baby's heart rate was 80 bpm and it should be around 140 bpm. They also determined that the baby's development was at 9 weeks instead of 11 weeks. The diagnosis was a threatened miscarriage and the outlook did not look very good. They sent us home and told us to visit Heather's OB Dr. today. So...our visit today gave us a little hope. After performing an exam, the dr. said there was only a little blood, no fetal tissue and the cervix is closed. They did not do an ultrasound today, but placed Heather on bedrest, gave her some medicine (progesterone) and want us to come back tomorrow for an ultrasound. We will let you know what we find out tomorrow. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Please Pray

Danny Harmon (one of our adult leaders in theVine) is asking that we pray for his grandmother. She was in a car accident and they do not think she will make it. Her husband was driving and is obviously struggling with everything. Please pray for peace and for strength for his grandma and grandpa.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Are you kidding me #5? Leave A Caption!

This is kind of an older picture...but wanted to make sure and share it with all the blog readers!  Leave a caption in the comment section...most creative caption wins a prize.

*I am in no way making fun of this child...I really do feel sorry for him, but I am sure when he is older he will look back and lets help him now.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The wii is sweet, but.....are you kidding me?

This is disturbing in so many different ways. It is kind of long but a few to point out...notice reaction at minute 2:12 (scary) and 3:02 ( he really doing that) and 5:10 (is she buying love).

Tell me how you feel after watching this.

How Much Sleep Do You Get a Night?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

It begins in roughly 18 hours

I have been waiting for tomorrow for about 6 weeks now.  It is the beginning of something beautiful for my life, for trinity church and for our city.  I am anticipating great things in the days to come.  Tomorrow is the beginning of a new Lead pastor at Trinity church: Scott Marshall will teach for the first time!  It would be great to have you there to welcome him to our family, but also to hear his heart and what God wants to do in us and through us.  Go visit his blog and welcome him "home."

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Soles4Souls Shoes Collection

On December 7th I challenged the church to begin looking at the Christmas Season differently.  I asked them to consider giving less to the people they know....the sweater nobody likes or the gift nobody needs and to give their money, time and energy to those who may need it.  So...we collected shoes throughout the month of december and collected over 250 pairs of shoes which will be sent to a company called Soles4Souls.  They will send the shoes all over the world...thanks for being the Church. 

Hidden Valley Ski Trip

We had a great time at Hidden Valley, although there wasn't a lot of snow...mostly ice and mud (which aly found).  We had a couple of first timers and they stuck with it and did awesome.  Can't wait to go back again!