Thursday, December 20, 2007

The advent season

We are coming up on christmas quickly and I was thinking about the advent season; advent is the period of time leading up to Christmas. Advent means coming and is a period of expectant waiting. As we "wait" on the birth of Christ, remember what it is that he brought: peace, hope, joy, love and many other things.

Takeshi Kitano Comedy Show2 - Binoculars Soccer

This one is for all of you soccer fans...hilarious!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


just taking in a small snack at Escape!


I was doing some studying today and I came across this great tool for studying God's word. Give it a try!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Miniature Earth (with more music)

What will your christmas look like this year. We have been blessed with so can you bless someone else. Check out to see what gift you can purchase for someone in need.