Thursday, January 31, 2008

Embrace Nashville

Important things to remember this month

1. February 10th: $135 due

2. February 16th: Valentines Dinner Fundraiser 3:30 - 9 pm sign up by Feb. 10th

3. February 17th: testimony due - what does your relationship with Christ mean to you? Why do you want to go on the Embrace Nashville trip? How are you growing in your relationship with God? Needs to be no more than a page.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

New Series

Come to the gathering this wednesday for the beginning of our new series titled, "At the movies."

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Weekly Opportunities @ The Vine

Gathering @ the vine Wednesdays 7-9 pm
This is an opportunity to be exposed to and experience God's love in a way that is real, relevant, relational and relaxed. Come spend time in an environment of worth and encouragement and be connected to the living Christ with other students.

Wakeup call Sunday mornings 9 - 10:30 am
One of the most important things about being a Christian, is finding out what it means to follow Christ. Come join as we investigate God's word and apply it to our lives. Come join us for breakfast and a time of fellowship starting at 9 am.

Guys Life Monday Nights 7 - 8:30 @ trinity church

Come tackle life issues with your peers: Anger. Self worth. Purity. School. Entertainment. Parents. Friends. Etc. It is designed to build trust, respect, sharing, accountability and pursuing an intimate relationship with Jesus.

Monday, January 21, 2008

MLK I have a dream speech

What a great dream...has it come true yet...has it come true in your life?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

'08 Best Year Ever

Just finished up the two week series called 2008 "Best Year Ever". We looked at four things we can do to have the best year ever:

1. Be a forgiver and let go of '07

2. Allow Christ to Be a part of everything

3. Livin on a prayer

4. Speak the truth in Love

'08 will have some difficulties for each one of us...but by doing a these things I believe, with the help of God, that we can have the best year ever.

Monday, January 14, 2008

What's Happening

Click on the pic to make it bigger!