As we left the church parking lot I began praying, "Please God use us!" God truly answered my prayer. Friday night was one of the greatest experiences I have ever had has a youth pastor. We returned home Friday night after handing out over 300 pairs of socks and 200 pairs of underwear. There are many stories that could be told about our night: from the married couple who sat by the savvis center just wearing socks, which had been turned inside out; to the 20 year old young man who lives in the salvation army hotel at 18th and pine and attends Flo Valley each day trying to receive a degree; to the many people we helped at the park at 14th and locust. I am for some reason still amazed each time God uses me. I am brought back to that simple prayer I prayed pulling out of the parking lot, "Please God use us!" That is my prayer for me, our students and our church. We are now collecting coats...please partner with us again as we attempt to
be the church!