Sunday, May 11, 2008

Lord, Save us from your followers

This is a must read!  The author of this book wears a suit with somewhat controversial statements on it into the middle of times square and other cities hoping to find a conversation.  This book addresses the fact that Christians often state our belief but rarely want to have a conversation with someone who disagrees with us.  A challenging chapter in this book for me is when Dan Merchant places a confessional at at Gay and Lesbian convention and asks people to enter it; he then proceeds to confess to them and ask them for forgiveness for how the church has responded to "that culture."  It challenged me to look at how I judge those around me who are not like me...Christ called me to love and not to judge.  May we all love as Christ has called us to!  


Anonymous said...

kyle, where can i find such a "must read"?? !

The Vine said...

from Kyle's Library! Just ask!