Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Blast 08

Those who are attending blast this year need to be at Ferguson Church of the Nazarene by 5:30 pm on March 7th.  We will be together from there until the next day at 6 pm, when you can be picked up at Trinity Church.  You must sign up at the Gathering if you are planning on attending blast.  Don't forget it is $5!  Bring your sleeping bag and pillow and anything else you will need to spend the night at church friday night.


Anonymous said...

Will the students be spending the night at Ferguson, or Trinity? If at Trinity, would it be better for those who can get access to our church, to leave their sleeping bags at Trinity allowing more room in the van?

The Vine said...

Great question...we will be staying at trinity. If someone wants to drop their stuff off at trinity that would be fine. I am going to be pulling the trailer so room will not be a problem.
