Monday, December 29, 2008

It's Been a Long Year

According to this article, they will be adding a second onto this year! I don't know if we will notice or not, but it will happen. It may have felt like a long year with the economic conditions, the transition out of one pastor into another and many other things, but it has been a good year!

My daughter turned 3 and is going on 13
I accomplished my goal of reading 20 books (actually read 23)
We found out the good news that we are going to have another baby!
Had two great weeks of mission trips serving with college and high school students
Had one of my favorite vacations as a family so far

There are many other great things we experienced as a family and I had the opportunity to do as well. What about you? When you reflect back on your year, what do you remember?

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hidden Valley Ski Trip

Come join us next Sunday the 28th as we go to Hidden Valley to ski, snow board and hang out.  We will eat lunch together after church (pizza on us) and then leave church around 1 and get back late that night.  The cost is $40 if you need to rent equipment, $30 for a lift ticket only and FREE to just go and hang out.  This will be a great time of hanging out and enjoying each other.  If you plan on going please leave a comment on here!

Book Review #23

This book is on the top of my list of best books in 08!  It is a follow up to Rainer' s book "Simple Church."  In this book they interview and question 1000 church "dropouts" and find out why they left the church or what brought them back to the church.  It is full of data...which is hard to get through at times but I believe this book is extremely helpful and understanding why they have left but also what can happen to get them back.  
They look at 4 main things:
Simplify - develop a clear structure and process for making disciples.

Deepen - provide strong biblical teaching and preaching.

Expect - let members know the need for commitment to the congregation.

Multiply - emphasize evangelism, outward focus, and starting new churches.

Do you believe that the church is essential to your life?  I hope we are getting to a point where we find community, a place to belong, and a place that enable and encourages us to be the hands and feet of Christ.  I hope that you begin to see that you are essential to the church and the church is essential to your life!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Learning from an Atheist!

what if we listened and learned from someone who was not "one of us"! I am challenged...hope you are to. Please feel free to comment how you felt and what you think about this video.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

No Christmas Party Gathering Tonight

We will not be having our christmas party tonight due to the sickness I caught! We will do white elephant gifts and the ugly sweaters at the New Years Eve party at my house from 7-1.

Again the reason no party is because my house is like this video right now!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Last Weeks Gathering

Last week we transformed our "sanctuary" into an area that had interactive prayer stations.  I wanted to share a few pictures from that night.  I think it was a great night for our students.  "Church" is often a time where we go and act as an audience, however I believe for our faith to become real and active we must participate in it.  How do you participate in your faith?  By serving, by singing, through prayer, etc?  I challenge you next time you enter a worship service, don't view your self as part of the audience but has an active participant in the service.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

This has been a tough one

I usually wait until I have finished reading a book to give an overview of what I read, however, I feel this book can't wait. Randy Pausch was a professor at Carnegie Mellon University and was diagoned with Pancreatic Cancer which included 10 tumors in his liver. He delivered his "Last Lecture" to his students and it has now become a book. He was a husband and a father of three and seemed to love them very much.

I believe I am a pretty happy person and very optimistic person, however, life is been pretty good to me. I wonder how I would respond to something so difficult. I would like to believe that my faith would be bigger than an obstacle in my way, but I am also honest enough to know it would be hard. I don't know what you situation is like or if you are facing difficult days ahead, but one thing I am learning from Randy Pausch is you can't always control what comes your way but you can control how you respond to what comes.

May you live life today to the fullest, no matter what you are facing.

Online Mission Trip?

This is kind of interesting...I will be following it to see how it goes and what it is about. What is the most creative thing you have seen done online to reach people with the love of Christ? Have you ever tried to witness through the internet?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Love with Action: Shoe Collection

Throughout the month of December we will be collecting NEW and gently used shoes for Soles4Souls. They distribute the shoes around the world to those who need them. Please check your closet and bring in shoes starting this sunday! You can also help by donating money to help ship the shoes to cost around $2 per pair of shoes we collect. Send a check made payable to Trinity Church attention Kyle to 3515 Shackelford Rd. Florissant, MO 63031

Monday, December 1, 2008

Crisis Nursery Family

We have adopted a family for the youth group this year. We will be providing some basic needs for this family but also some wants. The family consist of a single mom, a 5 year old girl, a 3 year old boy and a 7th month old. You can click here to see what they need/want. The deadline to donate is December 11th.

My question for you is...Who are you giving to this Christmas Season? Is it only those close to you? Those who you know are going to give something back to you? This sunday I will be talking about the "not so commercial" christmas. I would like to challenge you now to start thinking about who you can give to that really needs it. The one that may never know it was even from you!

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Pretty simple post...What are you thankful for?  I will post later!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Crisis Family Nursery

We have adopted a family from the Crisis Nursery for Christmas and will be buying them presents.  Follow this link to find out what we need.  You can either buy them something and bring it to the gathering or you can donate money.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Follow My Twitter

For about 8 months now I have been talking about twitter and how it would be popular in the next year, but nobody really believed me.  Well living in the midwest it takes a little longer for things to become popular and I believe it has finally reached the "show me state".  If you want to follow me and my twitter click here and set up an account.  If you don't know what twitter is or want more information, go here.  FOLLOW ME!

She is just like me

Last night I took Kenedee to her dance class and I loved every minute of it...however, she has a characteristic that is a lot like me (unfortunately).  There are only 4 kids in her ballet/tap class and one of those is a boy.  They do these things were they hop, skip, leap across the gym.  It immediately turned into a race between her and the boy.  She is so COMPETITIVE!  God is still pointing this out to me.  I grew up playing sports and always wanted to be the best...would work hard and practice all the time.  It is carrying over into my adult life (basketball, ping pong, youth pastor, etc) but I am allowing God to point it out to me and to help me in this area, nothing wrong with being the best I can be but I'm not allowing myself to find my significance in it.  I want her to always be her best and to be competitive but not to be so caught up in winning all the time.

However...I did find a little pride each time she beat the boy :)

Do you allow God to point out the things in your life that are not like Christ?  I am trying my hardest to become more like him each day and I hope you are as well.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Are you Kidding me #4? No seriously are you kidding me?

I couldn't stop laughing...I still can't stop laughing. Watch it all!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Activist: of choice

This past Wednesday in the gathering I continued in our series called Activist and talked about being an Activist: of Choice. I emphasized that we all make choices every day that affect the people around us and a lot of people we don't even know. The proverbs say, "He who gives to the poor will lack nothing, but he who closes his eyes to them receives many curses." I think we often choose to look away when we see things that bother us or we see them and we choose do nothing about them. An activist is about action! I encouraged them to think about how we spend our money and gave them a few organizations to check into. I am also challenging them to buy things this Christmas that have purpose or benefits someone. Here are a few of those organizations:

Jedidiah's Hope Collection
Tom's Shoes
World Vision
Bead for Life
Free Set Bags

What if we would choose to make a difference with our actions. For every decision you and I make there is a price that is paid...what is yours?

Are you kidding me #3

I really don't like this is really funny to me! Feel free to write a caption.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sky Zone November 23

On November 23rd, we will be leaving from Trinity at 5 pm and going to the Skyzone in Chesterfield.  We will be returning back to Trinity around 7 pm.  You must print and fill out this form and bring it with you to be able to jump with us.  Also the cost is $15....unless you leave a comment on here and then it is only $10.  Don't miss this opportunity to spend some great time together.

Target Shopping Cart Delivery Epic Fail

Ooops! Wonder how he felt getting out of the truck...what is one of the dumbest mistakes you have ever made?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Pandora Radio

Just found a cool new way to listen to music. Check it out! Click here to get to Pandora Radio

Monday, November 10, 2008

Going so fast!

I can't believe that my beautiful daughter will be 3 next tuesday.  It seems like only yesterday I was talking to her while she was in Heather's belly.  Tonight as I was laying in bed with her trying to get her to calm down and go to sleep she kept sticking her nose against mine and holding it there until one of us laughed...I have to say I long for those moments.  There is something special about a Dad and her little girl.  I am coming to the realization that the love I have for her is like no other love.  I love my wife with all of my heart...but it is a different kind of love for her, my daughter.  A love that must discipline and show her the right way.  A love that rescues her when she is scared or in a situation that she needs help getting out of.  A love that picks her up when she falls and gets hurt, kissing her and telling her it will all be ok.

Jesus says this in Matthew 7: 

If your child asks for bread, do you trick him with sawdust? If he asks for fish, do you scare him with a live snake on his plate? As bad as you are, you wouldn't think of such a thing. You're at least decent to your own children. So don't you think the God who conceived you in love will be even better?

I'm often reminded, because of my relationship with Kenedee how much God the father really loves me.  I hope today you begin to understand just a little bit or maybe you are reminded just how much he loves you and cares for you.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Are you kidding me #2

"Actually I didn't have it locked!"

Poor guy but what a star...he just kept going.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Activist: of LOVE

We started a series tonight in the gathering called Activist.  We talked about being an activist of love.  I challenged our students to begin loving as God be bothered and to hurt by the things that bother and hurt God...and to fight for the things He fights for.  Each week I will look at something different and tonight I talked about the lack of clean water millions of people are faced with.  While we met tonight, it is estimated that 400 children died because of this problem.  So what do we do?  For me, I am going to only drink water for the next month and I am going to save the money I would normally spend at the coke machine, the gas station or at starbucks and give it to Blood: Water Mission.  They say not it only takes a $1 to bring clean water to a child.  One Dollar!!!!!!  I will choose to drink water so that others may live.  

Other organizations that do this are Wateraid and Living Water International.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

How do you feel about this?

So, how do you feel when you see this? The atheist posters are the idea of the British Humanist Association (BHA) and have been supported by prominent atheist Professor Richard Dawkins. Here is what Dawkins had to say about the campaign.

“This campaign to put alternative slogans on London buses will make people think - and thinking is anathema to religion.”

What do we do with this? Do we get angry and try and fight back, or do we use this as Paul would, to point to Christ? Do we tell people about the joy in our life that can only come from Christ and His redemption? Do we inform people that with Christ we have NO WORRIES in our life? How would you respond?

Monday, November 3, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Trunk or Treat

Come join us this Friday for Trunk or Treat from 6 pm - 8 pm at Trinity Church!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Are You Kidding Me Post #1

I am going to start a new series on here simply called...Are you kidding me? I often find weird things online and ask myself that question. I thought I would share some of those things with you...enjoy.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pops 66

I am currently in Oklahoma right now for my Brother in law's homecoming party...he just served for 10 months in Iraq and I am proud of him but really glad he made it home.

I collect rootbeer bottle (currently have over 35 bottles) and we are going to Pops today to eat lunch.  They have over 500 bottles of soda, 45 of those are rootbeer!  Can't wait to add to my collection.  

Do you collect anything?

Book Review #20: Jim and Casper go to Church

I first have to say that I am excited to have finished my 20th book this year.  I had set a goal in January to read 20 books and it feels great to accomplish my goal.  I am also glad to have read this book as my 20th.  The idea behind this book was to help those who are in the church realize how those who come to our church view what we do in our services.  Jim grew up in the church and was a pastor for many years and Casper is an atheist.  They attended over 10 churches(Rick Warren's Saddleback, Bill Hybels Willowcreek, Joel Osteen's Church, TD Jakes church and others) over several weeks and gave insight from everything to the way they were greeted, to the music, to the taking of the tithes and offerings and the message given.  Casper offers great insight and challenged me a lot.  
Several small things I began to look at:
1. Why do we ask people in the service to greet those around them...shouldn't that happen already.
2. When we sing songs that have words like...Jesus' blood or atonement or body of christ, how do those who have no idea about God think we are talking about.
3. Those who come into our service want someone speaking to them who are real and authentic...already knew that but felt affirmed after reading this book.

This is a great book for everybody to read.  Another thing the book said was to have Church leadership send people to other Churches to see what they are doing and to have the feeling of being an "outsider" and to then learn from their experience.  

Have you been in the church so long you have forgotten what it feels like to not know what you are supposed to do in a church service, or what certain words may mean or how it feels to not know anybody?  I would challenge you to be aware of these things and to be sensitive to those who do not have a relationship with Christ. 

This is in my top 5 books I have read this year. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Be at the Gathering...

Tomorrow night try to be at the Gathering by 7 pm.  We will be going into the neighborhoods around us to pass out flyers for the trunk or treat on October 31st.  Come and be a part of it.

Book Review #19: In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day

FROM THE BOOK: “Our best days often start out as our worst days. And our greatest opportunities are often disguised as our biggest problems. You can land in a pit with a lion on a snowy day, and it will seem like the end of the road. But God is in the recycling business. He recycles past experiences and uses them to prepare us for future opportunities. That is the story of my life. And that is the story of your life. Look in the rearview mirror long enough and you’ll see that God has purposely positioned you everywhere you’ve been—even when it seemed you’d taken a wrong turn.” —Mark Batterson

In a pit was a pretty good book that challenged me to look at my life, specifically my problems or challenges and ask God what he is trying to do in me and through me in those situations. We often want to blame God or question him in our difficult circumstances instead of asking him what the purpose may be. If you are in the middle of it, I would challenge you to run at the problem, allowing God to do something great in your situation.

I am usually pretty positive about the books I read, but this one could have been only a few chapters long. I felt he kept saying the same thing over and over. Good book to read if you feel like you are "In a pit."

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

This Sunday!

Make sure and be at breakfast this Sunday at 9 to meet Scott Marshall.  He will be having breakfast with us and answering any questions you may.  Please try and be there.

Book Review: "Jesus wants to save Christians"

From the Back Cover:
There is a church not too far from us that recently added a $25 million addition to their building.
Our local newspaper ran a front-page story not too long ago about a study revealing that one in five people in our city lives in poverty.
This is a book about those two numbers. 

“It's a book about faith and fear,

wealth and war,

poverty, power, safety, terror,

Bibles, bombs, and homeland insecurity,

It's about empty empires and the truth that everybody's a priest, it's about oppression, occupation, and what happens when Christians support, animate and participate in the very things Jesus came to set people free from.

It's about what it means to be a part of the church of Jesus in a world where some people fly planes into buildings while others pick up groceries in Hummers.” 

My thoughts: Like most of Rob Bell's books, this one truly made me think.  I believe it is hard for us sometimes to really understand the scriptures because of where we live and how we live.  He challenge me in this book to understand what happened in the exodus and how I believe God is still trying to "save us" from going back to how our life was or could be.  This is a must read if you don't mind being stretched and made uncomfortable.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Tough Questions

We all have tough questions?  Like why Starbucks charges $4 for a drink, or why do they put braille on the drive through atm machines?  I actually have bigger questions:  how is it that so many people eat so much food it makes them sick and at the same moment there are people who are sick from a lack of food; how is it that the US government can spend $750,000,000,000 to bail out the financial crisis but they can't spend $25 billion to help end world hunger?  I have tough questions and I even have tough questions when it comes to God. Do you?  This Wednesday we will begin a two week series simply called tough questions.  I will be answering some tough questions that the students have submitted.  If you have a tough question feel free to post it on here.  And by the way...I am ok not having all my questions answered.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Escape 08

Escape 08 was a great time of getting away and not having to do much!  Any chance I have to get away with our students is great...I have been here 2 1/2 years now and I am realizing how much I love them!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Off to the Atl

I am heading to Atlanta, GA tomorrow for the Catalyst Conference. It is always hard leaving my family...KJ told me tonight as I was laying in bed with her that she didn't want me to leave, hard to not do what she wants me to! However, I need this. Here is how they describe this conference:

"The Catalyst Conference is the largest gathering of young leaders in the country, but it pains us to call it just a conference. Catalyst is more than just a three-day event - it’s a movement, a convergence, an experience where you find yourself fully immersed in learning, worship, and creativity. Catalyst brings people together - the influencers, the do-ers, the cultural architects, and the change agents who will reclaim our communities and culture for good."

I want to be a change agent! I want to help bring change to the people in my community who are hurting, hungry, and feeling hopeless. I pray that God messes me up this week and challenges me to be who He has called me to be...please pray for me.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Escape 08

This Sunday 35 students and sponsors will be heading down to Bourbon, Missouri to go camping and canoeing.  The plan is to "escape" from some of the pressures, worries and noises in our life and to just be still.  My hope is that we all catch a small glimpse of the Creator of the Universe.  What about you?  How do you escape from some of the noises in your life? I would encourage you to slow down...I don't do this very good!  It is hard for me not to be on the computer or texting or watching tv, etc.  I have to be extremely intentional to slow down and begin to listen for the voice of God.  I pray that as we go and "escape" to Bourbon, that you to may "escape" for even a small amount of time.

Friday, September 26, 2008


Don't forget that your Embrace 09 deposits of $75 are due this Sunday!

Reaching the Left From the Right

Just finished reading a book that someone in my church recommended to me called, "Reaching the Left From the Right," by Barbara Curtis.  She does a great job of taking some of the social issues of today and looks at them not from the left or the right but from what is really behind these issues.  I have also felt very strongly for a long time that it wasn't good enough to say you are Pro-Life but how was your life reflecting you were Pro-Life.  How are we supporting young mothers who have gotten pregnant unexpectedly?  What are we doing to help those children who are in foster care?  How are we helping those financially that want to adopt?  I am realizing more and more that God is a God of action...not just word!  Mrs. Curtis really challenged me on these subjects to really understand why I do or do not support something of today's social issues and how is my life reflecting what I believe.  

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Worlds Largest Ice Cream Social

Don't miss the 7th annual world's largest ice cream social at participating cold stones nationwide. They will be giving away free ice cream tonight from 5 pm to 8 pm with all donations going to the make a wish foundation. Free Ice Cream...Kenedee and I are there!

Jesus is a Friend of Mine remix with Crowder

Not quite as funny as the original but everyone loves Jesus is My Friend.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Student Leadership Team Meeting

Don't forget about our Student Leadership Team (SLT) information meeting this Sunday September 21st at 9 am. Come to this meeting and find out what expectations and requirements there are to be a part of the SLT. This is a great opportunity to use your gifts and serve in our student ministry department.

Jesus Is My Friend by Sonseed

Ummmm....don't know what to say or even think. All I can really say is I am glad "Christian" music has come a long way!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Quick Question #2

I am really excited about college football on the weekends, but I want to know what show you are excited about this fall.

Monday, September 15, 2008

half marathon + hurrican ike= 10 miles

Well the time came for the half marathon and with it came what remained of Hurricane Ike!  After waiting in the wind and rain for 45 minutes for the race to begin, the gun finally sounded and we happily took off.  After finishing mile 8, I noticed a change in the course.  To make a long and sad story short, they had to shorten the race to only 10 miles because some of the course was flooded!  
Have you ever worked really hard for something and it not turn out like you wanted or hoped it would?  What was your response?  I have to admit I was extremely disappointed in how the race turned out.  I trained for 12 weeks for this one morning and because of certain circumstances, it wasn't what I expected.  I am learning in life that things don't always end up like we want them to, however we have the choice how we will respond.  We can either learn from those experiences and move on or continue to dwell on the past.  I am choosing to move on from those events and this race is just a small picture of how life works out sometimes.  Can you move on and learn from your past?  May you choose to live today and allow your past to be the past.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Almost time for the 13.1

Yesterday after spending the day with my family, I decided I should probably go on my final run before the half marathon on Sunday.  I set off on my 3.5 mile run and as I finished the last mile I began to reflect on how far I have come the last 12 weeks.  My first run of the training process was only 2 miles and it took me 20 minutes and I felt it when I finished that day.  I ran the 3.5 yesterday in 26 minutes and felt great.  I have now ran almost 200 miles (Sunday will put me over 200.)  It's been a great journey and it has gotten easier and easier the longer I have been training, but I haven't taken my eyes off of what I set out to accomplish.

This has also been a great spiritual experience for me.  It has given me a lot of time to reflect on where I am on my journey with him.  Just like I have come a long ways in my running, I have also come a long ways in my relationship with him.  However, I am not where I want to be and I am still on the race with him.  I am keeping my eye's on the goal!  Where are you on your journey?  Do you understand it is a daily process that God is renewing and transforming you?  Have you even started on this journey?  I am thankful that God has now been on this journey with me for about 12 years!  Pursue him because he is and has been pursuing you.

*I am feeling good about Sunday, not really worried.  However, during my 12 mile run 2 weeks ago I got a huge blister just below my ankle bone on my right foot.  You can actually see a blood stain on my shoe.  It has not really healed!  Pray that it does OK Sunday!  I will be posting again Sunday about my experience.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Good Day

We had a great family day yesterday!  Go read about it here.  This is also my favorite time of year; Oklahoma Sooners football,  bringing out my hoodies, and Pumpkin Spice at starbucks...what could be better.  What are you looking forward to right now?

Friday, September 5, 2008


Being a youth pastor, I sometimes have weird hours that I have to work.  Unfortunately, my family is the one that has to suffer sometimes.  However,  I get to take a day off each week and on that day I turn off my phone, don't check email and commit all of myself to them.  I am trying really hard to keep my priorities in check.  I do all I can to keep God number one in my life followed by my family and then my job.  Whenever those things get out of order all of those relationship suffer.  I must keep the important things first and the rest will follow in order.  I am learning to say NO!  
How are your priorities?  What is getting in the way of your relationship with Jesus?  Your job, your friends, your hobbies, an addiction, etc.  I hope that you will evaluate your life today and do what you need to do to get back on track.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Embrace 09 Meeting

Next summer the College Students and High School students will be "Embracing" NYC and the Jr High Students will be "Embracing" Chicago.  We will be having an information meeting on Sunday September 7th at 12:15.  Please attend this meeting if you are even a little bit interested in attending Embrace 09.  We will be discussing dates, cost, logistics  and other details.  This meeting is for students and their parents and lunch will be served.  Hope to see you there.

Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning

Last week I spent 30 hours on the train going to New York and was able to finish Wide Awake and read most of my 15th book of the year, Ragamuffin Gospel.  I have always heard a lot about this book, but for some reason I have always felt intimidated by it.  I feel like it has helped me understand God's grace a little more.  I hope those I have an opportunity to teach and influence will here me speak about his grace more than I speak about anything else.  I also desire to live out his grace in my life with those I come in contact with.  If you have never read Ragamuffin Gospel before, you need to read it NOW!

Wide Awake by Erwin McManus

My goal this year was to read 20 books...I just finished number 14!  This last book, Wide Awake, by Erwin McManus has really encouraged me to live life to the fullest.  He says that most of us are walking around sleep walking and not living wide awake.  We spend most of our days just doing what we have to do...going to school, work, etc and not doing what God has called us to do or given us the desires to do.  If you feel like you are just surviving and not really living check out Wide Awake.

Will It Bounce

This is a game Big D did for the Gathering last the question is "Will it Bounce?"

Mud Volleyball

This was our second Mud Volleyball event. It was unbelievable!

Embrace Nashville Recap

Here is a quick look at our mission trip to Nashville. We spent a week "Embracing" the city and the people of Nashville. Our desire was to see others more like Jesus sees them and to treat them with love and grace. It was a great mission trip and I look forward to "Embrace" 09!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Join Us Tonight at The Gathering

Join us tonight at 7 pm for our last week in the series "FEAR"...what is holding you back? We are going to look at the fear of letting go tonight. Come as you are and enjoy an environment of encouragement and belonging. Hope to see you there!

Friday, August 22, 2008


Are you a giver or a taker?

We are attempting to help Kenedee to become a can read about our latest experience here.    The longer I am on my journey with God the more I realize he is asking me to give: my life, my job, my family, my time, energy, resources, etc.  I know in return, He gives life!  We are trying to help our 2.5 year daughter learn this now.  We have taken her downtown with the students to pass out fruit to those who were hungry. 
It is difficult at times to give, it is much easier to take.  Are you a giver or a taker?  In what area in your life is God asking you to give?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I left my hotel at 9:45 this morning and just made it back at 11:00 pm....long day!!!!   A lot of the day was spent walking (about 10 miles) and riding the subway.  However, from 12 - 4 I spent time with Tracee from CSM doing my presite visit.  I got a tour of where we will be staying in Brooklyn...the neighborhood is Chinese, Russian, Polish, Arabic and Albanian.  The housing site is pretty nice, two large sleeping rooms and bathrooms with 2 shower heads!!!!  We then went to a middle eastern restaurant and I had a lamb gyro.  Finally we spent some time at one of the locations we could possibly serve.  It mainly works with the elderly population in the neighborhood of Chelsea in Manhattan.  They deliver meals to about 250 people in the area that are home bound as well as serving lunch everyday.  There is also a site that has an ice cream shop that employs teenagers who are recovering addicts.  I really can't wait to take our students to NYC.  After spending the day in New York, looking at it with the idea of serving in the city, I realized how NY is like another country.  There are so many different ethnicity's and languages that are spoken.  I really believe our students will be made more uncomfortable on this trip than ever before and I believe God will really use them and change them through the trip.

After my presite was over, I spent the day as a tourist.  I went to the where the World Trade Centers used to stand and spent some time at the St. Paul Church, which is only about a block away.  This is the oldest building in New York that is still used daily.  It became a hub for those firemen who were spending time trying to find survivors and those who were killed when the towers were hit.  They have some memorials set up for those who were killed and those who spent time serving.  It was really moving to read some of the stories.  I saw one sign that said how the rescuers came there to rest and it hit me, that is one of the reasons the church should exist; to allow people to come in as they are and to find rest in the grace of God.

I spent the rest of the day walking on the Brooklyn bridge, shopping in China Town, getting pizza in Little Italy, taking the subway to the Bronx and looking the New Yankee stadium, walking around time square and down 5th ave, eating a hot dog from a street vendor and finally gettin a chai tea from St. Arbucks and drinking it in Central Park.  I'm exhausted!  I fly out at 6 taxi is picking me up at 4:30 am, that's in 5 hours!  I have to say I had a great time experiencing NYC, but I look forward to next summer and serving in the city for an entire week.  Good Night and see you tomorrow at the Gathering.

And I'm Off!

I am off to catch the G train to south Brooklyn for my pre site visit with CSM.  I will be done about 4 pm and will have the rest of the evening to do what I want.  I'm planning on going to China Town, Little Italy, Central Park,up to Yankee Stadium and what ever else I can cram in there.  If you only had 6 hours in NYC....what would you do?  

Monday, August 18, 2008's been a long 30 hours

I am posting this from my hotel in New York...I am in NYC for my pre site visit for next years Embrace Mission Trip.   I finally made it here after being on the train for 28 hours.  It wasn't to bad being on the train that long...this is what I looked at almost the entire train ride.  I really hope it works out for us to take the train next summer as a youth group.
   I have to say that New York is the craziest city I have ever been to.  I spent almost two weeks here in 2000, but I think I forgot how it was here.  Immediately getting on the subway I was reminded just how diverse this city is.  I got a little lost and ended up having to walk 15 blocks to catch my train to get to the shuttle...but it all worked out.  I am excited to visit some of the organizations we will be serving with tomorrow as well as seeing more of the city.  I will post again tomorrow night!

Mud Burns When It Gets in Your Eyes!

Our 2008 Mud Volleyball day was a blast. Not much volleyball...but a whole lot of mud! I have the greatest job in the world. One of my favorite parts of my job is just getting to have fun with teenagers. I will never forget these moments.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Mud Volleyball

Come join us this Saturday August 16th from 1 - 3 pm at the field behind Trinity church for our Second Annual Mud Volleyball Games. Make sure and bring a friend and some clothes you don't mind getting a "little" muddy!

New Series at The GATHERING : Fear...What is Holding You Back?

Most of us are afraid of something: heights, spiders, blood, shots, snakes, etc. However, if you really look inside, what are you really afraid of? Join us at theGathering the next three weeks as we look at Fear: What is Holding You Back? Also, feel free to comment on here what you are really afraid, you can do this totally anonymously.

Back from Arkansas

We got back from a great week long vacation to the great state of Arkansas....and unlike most vacations I have been on, I wasn't tired!  It was really just a great time of being with each other as a family and relaxing.  I hope some time this summer you were able to slow down and spend time with family.  This was one of my favorite vacations I have ever been on.  What has been your favorite vacation ever?

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Gone on Vacation

I will be leaving today for the great state of Arkansas.  I am looking forward to getting away with Heather and Kenedee and not doing much.  Please pray for me as I will be listening to veggie tales for about 9 hours this weekend on the drive down.  Hope you all have a great week!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mid Night Madness

Join us next friday night, August 8th,  for a night at the St. Peters Rec Plex.  We will meet at church at 6 pm and return to church at 12:30 am.  There will be a service from 7 - 9 pm at Gateway Central and then we will go to the Rec Plex from 10 - 12 for ice skating, swimming, basketball, pizza and more.  You need to sign up and pay tomorrow:  cost is $6.50.